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CRB - Professional Development

Module Title: 


Module Code: 

7002 CRB 





7th December,  2020 at 18:00hrs




Portfolio (100%) 

Module Leader 

Ashley Toogood



Digital submission via  Turnitin


Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate an understanding of how to identify client needs and be able to develop  appropriate research strategies for consultancy interventions 

2. Appraise the importance of expert tools and techniques to a consultant 

3. Evaluate the relationship between strategic management, leadership and leadership  styles and principles that support organisational ethical and value based approaches  to leadership

4. Evaluate the application of leadership strategies and the impact on organisational  direction 

Assessment Brief:  

You are a new consultant working for International Management Consultancy  organisation (IMC is a fictional consultancy firm).  

You are required to complete ONE consultancy project out of the choice of the employer scenarios [See the link to the “Assignment Case Studies” on Aula] which must be completed by the assignment deadline. 

You must use an employer video case study from the choice available on Aula. 

With reference to your chosen employer scenario, produce a 3000-3500 word report which will be assessed on the following areas:  


Maximum marks  available 

1. An analysis of the company’s strategic position 


2. A set of recommendations to address the issues identified 


3. An evidence-informed implementation strategy 


4. A reflection on key learning from the module 


Organisation/academic writing 





Out of 100 

 Pass mark is 40% 

 Please note that even if you achieve an overall mark of 40% your work will be marked as fail if: o You do not demonstrate that you have used analytical tools to conduct your analysis o You do not complete section 4 of the report You are required to follow the IMC consultancy report structure below.   

IMC Report Structure  

Your report should be 3000 to 3500 words.

Section 1: An analysis of the company’s strategic position  

Provide an overview of the company you have chosen.    

1. Identify and apply 2 appropriate tools and techniques to analyse  

A) The internal environment of the company  

B) The external environment of the company    

2. This analysis of the company’s strategic position should include:   

a) Leadership and communication  

b) The company culture including its ethical and value base  

c) The company’s position in the sector  

d) A critical evaluation of the strengths and limitations of the tools  and techniques you have used  

e) The client needs    

3. Following your analysis on the company’s strategic position, identify the main  issues that you could advise the company to address.    

NOTE: This section refers to Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and is worth 30 marks 


Section 2: Recommendations to the organisation    

1. Based on your analysis in Section 1, propose 3 recommendations for the  company.    

2. Ensure that each recommendation is clear, has appropriate detail, is justified and  is feasible in this context.    

3. Recommendations should refer to the leadership and communications strategy of  the company, taking account of internal and external stakeholders.   

NOTE: This section refers to Learning Outcomes 1,3 and 4 and is worth 15 marks 

Section 3: Implementation of Recommendations 

1. Based on Section 2, explain how the company would implement the  recommendations put forward to support the changes in its strategic direction.    

2. This section will include analysis of the following:    

a) Leadership styles – this must include reference to different leadership  styles supported by theories, models and/or evidence.  

b) Communicating the vision to the key stakeholders  

c) Leadership strategy and the impact on organisational direction    

3. This section considers the actions that should be taken by the company in order  to achieve the recommendations that you have described above.    

NOTE: This section refers to Learning Outcomes 3 and 4 and is worth 25 marks 

Section 4: Critical Reflection  

All students, particularly at postgraduate level, need to reflect critically on the learning  experience.  

Use either Borton’s (1970) model of reflective practice or Kolb’s (1984) Learning Cycle, to reflect on your learning experience on the CMI module, and consider how you might  apply your learning and knowledge from this module to your own area of study and future  career aspirations.  


NOTE: this section is worth 10 marks 




In this assignment you need to apply some of the tools and methods that have  been referred to in the workshops and learning journeys and discuss their  relevance to the client’s situation. You will gain extra marks by citing appropriate  references to support your arguments throughout. You will need to provide  information on how you have gathered and sourced key information for your  report.  

Organisation/academic writing is worth 10 marks  

Referencing is worth 10 marks 

 Your portfolio must:  

  • Include a cover sheet with your ID number (NOT YOUR NAME), your chosen  employer case study and your word count.  
  • Be typed in Word,  
  • Include page numbers,  
  • Be written in Arial font size 12,  
  • Be 1.5 spaced,  
  • Be submitted on Turnitin by the assignment deadline  Please note that tables/diagrams/charts and the reference list are not included in the  word count    

Important University assessment rules for you to note:    

  1. Please submit an electronic copy of your assignment through Turnitin. You can  access the Turnitin link through the module web.    
  1. The electronic version of your assignment may be used to enable checks to be  made using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.  Your course work will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through  Turnitin.    
  1. All work submitted after the submission deadline without an approved valid reason  (see below) will be given a mark of zero. (This is not the same as a non-submission,  which will be graded as AB (absent).  

  4. Should you submit work on time but fail the assignment, you may be offered a resit  opportunity at the discretion of the PAB (Programme Assessment Board). A resit  module mark will be capped at 40%.  


  1. The University wants you to do your best. However we know that sometimes events  happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these  events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you  can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need  longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period  (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must  apply before the deadline. 

5 You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be  an event beyond your control at:    

  1. If, on the final submission date, Turnitin is not working then you must email a copy of your work to the module leader before the deadline time. This email will provide  evidence that you have completed the work on time. Once Turnitin is working again  you can then submit your assignment through it for marking. Consider taking  screenshots of the problem you encountered as supportive evidence if needed.    
  2. If you think that you will need an extension or deferral please ensure that you  contact the Administrative Support person or office linked to your Course to  process the request. This information will normally be found in your Course  Handbook. Alternatively seek advice from your Course Director or Registry team if  you are unsure.  

NOTE: The M001CRB or 7002CRB module teaching team cannot process or  approve extension or deferral requests.  

  Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.    


As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when  writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone  else’s writing or thoughts and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work.  Doing so is known as plagiarism. It is not acceptable to copy from another source  without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using  paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and 

reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents  to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please visit    

Assessors are able to spot cases of plagiarism. The Faculty insists that coursework is  submitted through a plagiarism detection system known as Turnitin. Copying another  student’s work, large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism  and carry serious consequences. Please familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard  Reference Style and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being  brought. If you are unsure please refer to your tutor.  

Return of Marked Work  

 You can expect to have marked work returned to you in three working weeks. If for any  reason there is a delay you will be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided  online. As always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and will therefore  be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external  examiner has completed his/her review.


Strategic Position 30 Marks 





Fail <40 

Fail 0

Answer Relevance

a. Analysis of the company’s  strategic position covers all of  the following: Leadership and  communication, company  culture and position, tools  evaluation and client needs. 

a. Analysis of the company’s  strategic position covers most of  the following: Leadership and  communication, company culture  and position, tools evaluation  and client needs. 

a. Analysis of the company’s  strategic position covers some  of the following: Leadership  and communication, company  culture and position, tools  evaluation and client needs. 

a. Analysis of the company’s  strategic position omits many of  the following: Leadership and  communication, company culture  and position in the sector, tools  evaluation and client needs. 

a. Analysis of the company’s  strategic position omits most of  the following: Leadership and  communication, company  culture and position, tools  evaluation and client needs. 

a. Analysis of the company’s  strategic position omits all of  the following: Leadership and  

communication, company  culture and position, tools  evaluation and client needs. 


b. Strong evidence of critical  analysis, synthesis and  


b. Relationships between  analysis and theory are easy to  follow.

b. Critical discussion of issues  may be superficial or limited in  places.

b. Critical discussion of issues  may be poor or very limited in  places.

b. Fails to address the  

question set. There is minimal  evidence of critical analysis.

b. Complete lack of theoretical  engagement.

c. Excellent identification and  application of appropriate tools  to analyse the internal and  external environment of the  company.

c. Very good identification and  application of appropriate tools  to analyse the internal and  external environment of the  company.

c. Good identification and  application of appropriate tools  to analyse the internal and  external environment of the  company.

c. Poor identification and  

application of appropriate tools  to analyse the internal and  external environment of the  company.

c. Very poor identification and  application of appropriate tools  to analyse the internal and  external environment of the  company.

c. A lack of appropriate tools  and techniques to analyse the  internal and external  

environment of the company.


d. The answer demonstrates a  very strong theoretical  

engagement with the module  content.

d. The answer demonstrates a  strong theoretical engagement  with the module content.

d. The answer demonstrates a  fair theoretical engagement  with the module content.

d. The answer demonstrates a  poor theoretical engagement  with the module content.

d. The answer demonstrates a  very poor theoretical  

engagement with the module  content.

d. The answer demonstrates a  complete lack of theoretical  engagement with the module  content.

Key findings

e. Key findings accurately  portray the issues raised in the  interview.

e. Key findings adequately  portray the issues raised in the  interview

e. Key findings fairly portray  the issues raised in the  


e. Key findings do not clearly  flow from the issues raised in the  interview.

e. Key findings are irrelevant to  the issues raised in the  


e. Key findings are missing.

Recommendations 15 Marks 





Fail <40 

Fail 0

Relevance to  


a. Recommendations are  strongly linked to the key  issues raised in the employer  video interview.

a. Recommendations are well  linked to the key issues raised in  the employer video interview.

a. Recommendations are  somewhat linked to the key  issues raised in the employer  video interview.

a. Recommendations are poorly  linked to the key issues raised in  the employer video interview.

a. Recommendations are  irrelevant to the key issues  raised in the employer video  interview.

a. Recommendations are  missing. 

Relevance to  

previous analysis

b. Recommendations flow very  clearly from the analysis run  previously and address all the  issues identified in Section 1.

b. Most recommendations flow  clearly from the analysis run  previously and address most of  the issues identified in Section 1.

b. Some recommendations  flow from the analysis run  previously and address some  of the issues identified in  Section 1.

b. Recommendations do not  clearly flow from the analysis run  previously and poorly address  the issues identified in Section 1.

b. Recommendations do not  flow from the analysis run  previously and fail to address  any issues identified in Section  1.

b. Recommendations refer to  another case study.

Relevance to  


c. All recommendations clearly  refer to the leadership of the  company.

c. Most recommendations  considerably refer to the  

leadership of the company.

c. Some recommendations  refer to the leadership of the  company.

c. Many recommendations do  not refer to the leadership of the  company.

c. None of the  

recommendations refer to the  leadership of the company.

c. Recommendations do not  refer to any strategic elements  of the company.

Relevance to  


d. All recommendations clearly  refer to the communications  strategy of the company taking  account of internal and  

external stakeholders.

d. Most recommendations  considerably refer to the  

communications strategy of the  company taking account of  internal and external  


d. Some recommendations  refer to the communications  strategy of the company taking  account of internal and  

external stakeholders.

d. Many recommendations do  not refer to the communications  strategy of the company taking  account of internal and external  stakeholders.

d. None of the  

recommendations refer to the  communications strategy of  the company taking account of  internal and external  


d. Recommendations do not  refer to the communications  strategy of the company.

Implementation of  Recommendations 25 Marks





Fail <40 

Fail 0

Relevance to  


a. The proposed actions are  strongly linked to the key  issues raised in the  


a. The proposed actions are  well linked to the key issues  raised in the interview.

a. The proposed actions are  somewhat linked to the key  issues raised in the  


a. The proposed actions are  poorly linked to the key issues  raised in the interview.

a. The proposed actions are  irrelevant to the key issues  raised in the interview.

a. The proposed actions for  implementation do not refer  to any strategic elements of  the company.

Relevance to  

previous analysis

b. The proposed actions are  strongly linked to the  

recommendations presented  in the previous section.

b. The proposed actions are  well linked to the  

recommendations presented  in the previous section.

b. The proposed actions are  somewhat linked to the  

recommendations presented  in the previous section.

b. The proposed actions are  poorly linked to the  

recommendations presented  in the previous section.

b. The proposed actions are  irrelevant to the  

recommendations presented  in the previous section.

b. The proposed actions for  implementation refer to  

another case study.

Relevance to  


c. The proposed actions for  implementation completely  address the  

recommendations proposed  for the leadership of the  company.

c. The proposed actions for  implementation mostly  

address the recommendations  proposed for the leadership of  the company.

c. The proposed actions for  implementation fairly  

address the  

recommendations proposed  for the leadership of the  company.

c. The proposed actions for  implementation somewhat  address the recommendations  proposed for the leadership of  the company.

c. The proposed actions for  implementation poorly  

address the  

recommendations proposed  for the leadership of the  company.

c. The proposed actions for  implementation of the  

recommendations proposed  for the leadership of the  company are missing.

Relevance to  


d. The proposed actions for  implementation completely  address the  

recommendations proposed  for the communication of the  vision to key stakeholders.

d. The proposed actions for  implementation mostly  

address the recommendations  proposed for the  

communication of the vision to  key stakeholders.

d. The proposed actions for  implementation fairly  

address the  

recommendations proposed  for the communication of the  vision to key stakeholders.

d. The proposed actions for  implementation somewhat  address the recommendations  proposed for the  

communication of the vision to  key stakeholders.

d. The proposed actions for  implementation poorly  

address the  

recommendations proposed  for the communication of the  vision to key stakeholders.

d. The proposed actions for  implementation of the  

recommendations proposed  for the communication of the  vision to key stakeholders  are missing.


10 Marks 





Fail <40 

Fail 0

Use of reflective  tool

a. An excellent use of a  model/ tool has been made  to reflect critically on the  learning experience from  this module. 

a. A good use of a model/tool  has been made to reflect  

critically on the learning  

experience from this module. 

a. A fair use of a model/tool  has been made to reflect  critically on the learning  experience from this  


a. A poor use of a model/tool  has been made to reflect  

critically on the learning  

experience from this module. 

a. An extremely poor use of  a model/tool has been made  to reflect critically on the  learning experience from  this module. 

a. A reflective tool hasn’t  been used to reflect on the  learning experience from  this module. 

Critical thinking

b. Reflection demonstrates a  very high degree of critical  thinking in applying,  

analysing, and evaluating  key course concepts and  theories from readings,  

lectures, media, discussions  and activities. 

b. Reflection demonstrates a  high degree of critical thinking  in applying, analysing, and  evaluating key course  

concepts and theories from  readings, lectures, media,  discussions and activities. 

b. Reflection demonstrates  some degree of critical  

thinking in applying,  

analysing, and evaluating  key course concepts and  theories from readings,  

lectures, media, discussions  and activities. 

b. Reflection demonstrates a  limited degree of critical  

thinking in applying, analysing,  and evaluating key course  concepts and theories from  readings, lectures, media,  discussions and activities. 

b. Reflection lacks critical  thinking. Superficial  

connections are made with  key course concepts, course  materials and activities, and  examples. 

b. Reflection analysis is  missing. 

Personal growth

c. Excellent reflection on  own work that demonstrates  very strong awareness of  existing strengths and  

challenges and ability to  synthesize current  

experience into future career  growth. 

c. Very good reflection on own  work that demonstrates strong  awareness of existing  

strengths and challenges and  ability to synthesize current  experience into future career  growth. 

c. Good reflection on own  work that demonstrates fair  awareness of existing  

strengths and challenges  and ability to synthesize  current experience into  

future career growth. 

c. Limited reflection on own  work that demonstrates limited  awareness of existing  

strengths and challenges and  ability to synthesize current  experience into future career  growth. 

c. Inadequate reflection on  own work that demonstrates  very limited awareness of  existing strengths and  

challenges and ability to  synthesize current  

experience into future career  growth. 

c. Reflection on own work  considering existing  

strengths and challenges  and demonstrating ability to  synthesize current  

experience into future career  growth is missing. 


Academic Writing 10 Marks 





Fail <40 

Fail 0

Organisation &  


a. A very strong and logical  organisation of ideas is  

demonstrated. Opinions and  reasons are effectively  

linked and all transitions are  very clear and logical.

a. A strong and logical  

organisation of ideas is  

demonstrated. Opinions and  reasons are well linked and  transitions are clear and  


a. A fair and logical  

organisation of ideas is  

demonstrated. All or most  opinions and reasons are  linked and most transitions  are fair and logical.

a. A weak and unclear  

organisation of ideas is  

demonstrated. Most opinions  and reasons are not linked to  each other and most  

transitions are unclear and  unreasonable. 

a. A very weak and unclear  organisation of ideas is  

demonstrated. Opinions and  reasons are not linked to  each other and all transitions  are unclear and  


a. An extremely weak and  unclear organisation of ideas  is demonstrated. Opinions  and reasons are missing. 

b. Sequencing of sections is  logical and paragraphs are  very well-developed. Very  sound, coherent structure.

b. Sequencing of sections is  logical and paragraphs are  well developed. Sound,  

coherent structure. 

b. Sequencing of sections is  fairly logical and paragraphs  are fairly developed. Good,  coherent structure.

b. Sequencing of sections is  unclear and paragraphs are  poorly developed. Unclear  structure and poor coherence.

b. Sequencing of sections is  very unclear and paragraphs  are very poorly developed.  Unclear structure lacking  coherence. 

b. Several sections and  paragraphs are missing. The  report is incomplete. 

c. The report contains a title  page, a table of contents, a  list of figures, a list of tables,  references and appendices.

c. The report contains most of  the following: a title page, a  table of contents, a list of  figures, a list of tables,  

references and appendices.

c. The report contains some  of the following: title page,  table of contents, list of  

figures, list of tables,  

references & appendices.

c. The report lacks many of  the following: table of  

contents, list of figures, list of  tables, references and  


c. The report lacks most of  the following: table of  

contents, list of figures, list  of tables, references and  appendices.

c. The report lacks a table of  contents, list of figures, list  of tables, references and  appendices.


d. The writing displays an  excellent command of  

standard English. 

d. The writing displays a very  good command of standard  English. 

d. The writing displays a fair  command of standard  

English; errors do not  

interfere with understanding. 

d. The writing displays a poor  command of standard English;  errors often interfere with  understanding.

d. The writing displays a  very poor command of  

standard English; errors  interfere with understanding. 

d. The writing displays an  extremely poor command of  standard English; 

understanding is not  



10 Marks 





Fail <40 

Fail 0

Range and  


a. A wide range of relevant  sources are cited, going  beyond the recommended  texts.

a. A very good range of  

relevant sources are cited.  There is use of some sources  beyond recommended texts.

a. A range of relevant  

sources are cited. There is  limited use of sources  

beyond the standard  

recommended materials.

a. A limited range of relevant  sources are cited. There is  limited use of sources beyond  the standard recommended  materials.

a. A very limited range of  relevant sources are cited.  There is limited use of  

standard recommended  materials.

a. Lack of any sources cited.  There is no use of standard  recommended materials. 


b. Reference list is  


b. Reference list is complete  with minor omissions.

b. Reference list is complete  with some omissions.

b. Reference list is incomplete  with significant omissions.

b. Reference list is copied  from another student project. 

b. Reference list is missing.


c. All citations and/or  

references are formatted  according to the CU  


c. Citations and/or references  are formatted according to the  CU guidelines with minor  


c. Citations and references  are formatted according to  the CU guidelines with some  mistakes.

c. Only few citations and/or  references are formatted  

according to the CU  


c. Most citations and/or  

references are not formatted  according to the CU  


c. None of the citations and  references are formatted  according to the CU  
