BPP Coursework Cover Sheet
Please use the table below as your cover sheet for the 1st page of the submission. The sheet should be before the cover/title page of your submission.
MSc Management
Module name
Personal Effectiveness
Schedule Term
Student Reference Number (SRN)
Report/Assignment Title
Date of Submission
(Please attach the confirmation of any extension received)
Declaration of Original Work:
I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this is my original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements of BPP School of Business and Technology.
The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is ___ words.
Student Reference Number: Date:
By submitting this coursework you agree to all rules and regulations of BPP regarding assessments and awards for programmes. Please note, submission is your declaration you are fit to sit.
BPP University reserves the right to use all submitted work for educational purposes and may request that work be published for a wider audience.
BPP School of Business and Technology
MSc Management
Personal Effectiveness
Coursework Assessment Brief
Submission mode: Turnitin online access
1. General Assessment Guidance
• Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this Coursework submission which accounts for 100% of the marks.
• Please note late submissions will not be marked.
• You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
• For coursework, the submission word limit is 2500 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 2500 words but not more. Word Count guidelines can be found on the Assessment tab for your module.
• Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
• A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
• You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library. You can use the following link to access this information: http://bpp.libguides.com/Home/StudySupport
• BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GARs and MOPP which are available on The Hub in the Academic registry section (found via Help & Support).
• You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.
2. Assessment Brief
The required submission for this assignment is a 2500 words “Personal Effectiveness Report”. Your report will analyse a business leader’s personal effectiveness skills, evaluate your own learning style, and compare and contrast strategies for self-improvement.
Students are required to complete Three tasks:
1. Analyse key competencies of a global business leader
2. Evaluate your own Learning Style
3. Compare/contrast two strategies for improving your skills
The Learning Outcomes that you have to meet in order to pass this assessment are:
(LO1) Critically evaluate how people learn for professional development.
(LO2) Appraise the key skills and behaviours required to be effective in a professional context.
(LO3) Demonstrate understanding of a range of methods of supporting personal effectiveness in a professional environment.
Your Personal Effectiveness Report should contain the following:
You should begin by introducing the concept of personal effectiveness.
You should also give a brief overview of tasks 1, 2 and 3.
TASK 1: Case Study Review Analyse key skills and behaviours of global business leaders
1) Analyse ONE to TWO positive skills and behaviours of global business leaders. You will need to:
• Identify the skill or behaviour
• Use a case study from the Hub or your own personal research to give an example of how a business leader uses it
• Analyse why the skill or behaviour is beneficial
2) Analyse ONE to TWO negative skills and behaviours of global business leaders. You will need to:
• Identify the skill or behaviour
• Use a case study from the Hub or your own personal research to give an example of how a business leader uses it
• Analyse why the skill or behaviour is detrimental
3) You must apply AT LEAST ONE of the following frameworks of personal effectiveness: Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Successful People OR The CMI Code of Conduct
To support your analysis, you must refer to the case studies and use additional reading resources from this module. You should also include ideas from articles on wider leadership concepts and personal effectiveness from the online library.
(This task meets LO2) (Total marks for Task 1: 30% weighting)
TASK 2: Evaluation of Learning Style
1) You are required to identify your own learning style. You can do this by completing Honey and Mumford’s learning styles questionnaire (or other suitable test). The results of the questionnaire must be attached as an appendix or inserted as a table.
2) Examine your main learning style and appraise its strengths and limitations.
3) Evaluate how useful the learning styles framework is to develop your personal effectiveness. You should support this evaluation with references to additional reading resources from this module. You should also include ideas from articles in the online library.
(This task meets LO1) (Total marks for Task 2: 30% weighting)
TASK 3: Comparison of Methods of Improving Skills
1) Following your analysis of the key skills and behaviours of business leaders, identify TWO of the key skills that you need to develop to improve your employability and personal effectiveness in the workplace. Briefly assess your current level of performance in these two skills. For ONE of the identified skills, compare and contrast TWO different methods that you could use to successfully improve your skills. Indicate which is your preferred method and justify your decision, making reference to your preferred learning style.
You should support this comparison with references to additional reading resources from this module. You should also include ideas from articles in the online library.
(This task meets LO3) (Total marks for Task 3: 30% weighting)
Provide a conclusion drawing on the three tasks.
Give an overall conclusion on whether you have the necessary skills to be personally effective.
Your business report should contain the following:
• BPP assignment cover sheet (including SRN and word count)
• Business report title page
• Contents page
• Introduction (250 words)
• Task 1 – Case Study Review (800 words)
• Task 2 – Evaluation of Learning Style (600 words)
• Task 3 – Comparison of Methods for Improving Skills (600 words)
• Conclusion (250 words)
• References (Correct Harvard Referencing applied throughout, including in-text citation and reference list)
• Appendices
• Glossary (optional)
*(Total marks for introduction, conclusion and structure: 10% weighting)
Use of evidence in the report
Your report must contain evidence that you have read and understood the theories, models, additional reading and case studies in Personal Effectiveness on the Hub, and supplement this with reference to your own personal research in the online library.
Which forms of evidence must be in the report
• In-text citations and a bibliography: there must be frequent citations throughout your assignment; they should be supported by a reference list
• Links to theoretical frameworks: there must be at least one framework applied in Task 1
• References to the case studies: in the Case Study Review there must be references to the case studies which can be found in the Apply section of every topic on the Hub
• References to additional reading and your own personal research: throughout your assignment there must be frequent references to the articles and videos in the Additional Reading and Videos section, and personal research you have carried out outside the Hub in the online library
3. Marking Guide Assignment task Fail (0-39%) Low Fail (40-49%) Pass (50-59%) Merit (60-69%) Distinction (70-100%) Task 1 (30% weighting, LO2) Guidelines: • Identification of positive and negative skills/behaviours of a business leader • Link to case studies • Evaluation of benefits and limitations of skills/behaviours • Application of theory
Weak and often implicit knowledge of business leaders’ skills and behaviours with significant gaps in understanding. Limited use of evidence supported by some evidence. Weak evaluation supported by a broad evidence base. No theory is present.
Limited and increasingly explicit knowledge of business leaders’ skills and behaviours. Limited use of evidence to support argumentation. Limited evaluation supported by a broad evidence base. Begins to analyse theory of effective skills and behaviours.
Satisfactory knowledge of business leaders’ skills and behaviours. Adequate use of evidence to support argumentation. Satisfactory evaluation supported by well-reasoned arguments. Explicitly analyses theory of effective skills and behaviours.
Good knowledge of business leaders’ skills and behaviours. Good use of evidence to support argumentation with some personal research into broader topics. Good evaluation supported by original and imaginative arguments. Explores and analyses theory with considerable originality.
Excellent knowledge of business leaders’ skills and behaviours. Excellent use of evidence with extensive and original personal research into broader topics. Excellent evaluation supported by original, imaginative and coherent arguments. Deeply explores and applies theory with clear originality and autonomy. Task 2 (30% weighting, LO1) Guidelines: • Identification of one main learning style and its strengths and limitations • Evaluation of learning style in comparison to personal experiences
Weak and often implicit knowledge of learning styles with some omissions and weak explanation of strengths and limitations. Weak or absent critical evaluation of learning style in relation to personal experiences.
Limited and increasingly explicit knowledge of learning styles with limited explanation of strengths and limitations. Limited critical evaluation of learning style in relation to personal experiences.
Satisfactory knowledge of learning styles with adequate explanation of strengths and limitations. Satisfactory critical evaluation of learning style in relation to personal experiences.
Good and clear knowledge of learning styles with good explanation of strengths and limitations. Good critical evaluation of learning style in relation to personal experiences.
Excellent knowledge of learning styles with excellent, original explanation of strengths and limitations. Outstanding critical evaluation of learning style in relation to personal experiences. Task 3 (30% weighting, LO3) Guidelines: • Two methods of developing skills, linked to limitation of learning style in Task 2 • Comparison between methods with focus on personal effectiveness in the workplace
Weak and often implicit knowledge of methods of self-development. Weak comparison and contrast between methods to improve personal effectiveness.
Limited and increasingly explicit knowledge of methods of self-development. Limited comparison and contrast between methods to improve personal effectiveness.
Satisfactory knowledge of methods to improve personal effectiveness. Satisfactory comparison and contrast between methods to improve personal effectiveness.
Good understanding of methods to improve personal effectiveness. Good comparison and contrast between methods to improve personal effectiveness.
Excellent understanding of methods of self-development. Excellent comparison and contrast between methods to improve personal effectiveness. Presentation (10% weighting) Guidelines: • Clear structure and layout • Writing style: professional and concise • Appropriate Harvard referencing: range and credibility of the sources use and correct application of Harvard referencing style throughout report and appendices
Inadequate references but may contain inconsistencies, errors or omissions. Limited structure and expression.
Limited references with errors or inconsistencies.
Limited structure and expression.
Satisfactory with full and appropriate references.
Satisfactory structured layout and mainly accurate expression.
Good with precise, full and appropriate references.
Well-structured layout and professional and accurate expression.
Excellent with precise, full and appropriate references.
Outstanding structured layout and professional and accurate expression.
4. Appendix A – General Grading Criteria (Level 7) Criterion 0-29% 30-39% Fail 40-49% Low Fail 50-59% Pass 60-69% Merit 70-79% 80-100% Distinction
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge base
Inadequate and often implicit knowledge base with some omissions and/or lack of theory of discipline and its ethical dimension.
Weak and often implicit knowledge base with some omissions and/or lack of theory of discipline and its ethical dimension
Limited and increasingly explicit knowledge base that begins to explore and analyse the theory and ethical issues of the discipline.
Satisfactory knowledge base; explores and explicitly analyses the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with some originality, detail and autonomy. explores and explicitly analyses the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with some originality, detail and autonomy.
Good knowledge base, exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with considerable originality and autonomy.
Excellent information and knowledge base which deeply explores and analyses the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with clear originality and autonomy.
Outstanding information and knowledge base which deeply and extensively explores, critiques and analyses the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with clear originality, innovation and autonomy.
Understanding of Knowledge
Inadequate introduction to a basic appreciation of a wider field with little or no clarity and precision to the thoughts and practices related to the required discipline indicated.
Weak introduction to a basic appreciation of a wider field with some clarity and precision to the thoughts and practices related to the required discipline indicated.
Limited knowledge base;
Some appreciation of a basic wider field with clarity and precision to the thoughts and practices related to the required discipline indicated.
Satisfactory appreciation of and explicit links to a wider field.
Emerging application of thoughts and practices at the forefront of the discipline.
Good and clear understanding of, and explicit links to, some aspects of a wider field.
Application of current and emerging thoughts and practices from the discipline.
Thorough and deep knowledge and understanding of the topic and explicit evidence of the wider contexts of the topic with coherence and the ability to synthesise appropriate principles by reference to appropriate primary sources.
Excellent and detailed usage of recent emerging thought at the forefront of the discipline and/or practices from a range of appropriate disciplines.
Thorough, balanced and deep knowledge and understanding of the topic and explicit evidence of the wider contexts of the topic with coherence and the ability to synthesise appropriate principles by reference to appropriate primary sources with no areas of weakness.
Outstanding and extensive usage of recent emerging thought at the forefront of the discipline and/or practices from a range of appropriate disciplines.
Cognitive Skills
Organisation & self direction
Inadequate use of learning resources with some self-direction. Some input to team work.
Weak use of learning resources and input to team work. Some lack of structure/accuracy in expression.
Limited management of learning resources with consistent self-direction. Structured and mainly accurate expression.
Satisfactory management of learning resources complemented by self-direction/exploration. Structured/ accurate expression.
Good management of learning resources complemented by assured self-direction/exploration. An exemplar of structured/accurate expression.
Excellent management of learning resources using a range of tools, complemented by assured self-direction/exploration. An exemplar of structured/accurate expression.
Outstanding management of learning resources using a full range of current and emerging tools, complemented by assured self-direction/exploration. An exemplar of structured/accurate expression.
Criterion 0-29% 30-39% Fail 40-49% Low Fail 50-59% Pass 60-69% Merit 70-79% 80-100% Distinction
Academic skills
Inadequate academic/ intellectual skills with some difficulties. Largely imitative and descriptive. Some difficulty with structure and accuracy in expression, but developing practical/professional skills.
Weak academic/intellectual skills with few difficulties. Largely original work with some evidence of reflection and critique. Structure and accuracy in expression beginning to emerge.
Limited academic/intellectual skills. Original work with personal reflection and broad evidence-based critique. Solid structure and accuracy in expression. Practical/professional skills evident.
Satisfactory academic/intellectual skills. Wholly original work with good reflection and solid, well-reasoned judgements forming from evidence-based critique. Consistent structure and accuracy in expression. Practical/professional skills established.
Good academic/intellectual skills. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination
Excellent academic/intellectual skills. Demonstrates intellectual originality, integrity, coherence and imagination.
Outstanding academic/intellectual skills. Demonstrates intellectual originality, integrity, coherence, creativity and imagination working consistently in the higher cognitive domains to a professional standard.
Inadequate references and notes but may contain inconsistencies, errors or omissions.
Weak references and notes with minor or insignificant errors or omissions.
Limited and full and appropriate references and notes with minor or insignificant errors
Satisfactory with precise, full and appropriate references and notes.
Good with precise, full and appropriate references and notes at a high standard.
Excellent with precise, full and appropriate references and notes at near-publishing standard.
Outstanding with precise, full and appropriate references and notes at publishing standard.
Numerical skills
Inadequate numeric analysis that is mostly complete but contains errors with significant effect, or methods that are applied inappropriately.
Weak numeric analysis that is complete and mostly free from significant or critical errors with appropriate application of methods.
Limited numeric analysis that is complete and mostly free from errors with relevant and effective application of methods.
Satisfactory numeric analysis that is complete and mostly free from errors with fluent and appropriate application of methods.
Good numeric analysis that is complete and free from errors with application of methods that may be insightful or original.
Excellent numeric analysis that is complete and free from errors with application of methods that will be insightful and original.
Outstanding numeric analysis that is complete and free from errors with application of methods that will be insightful and original and may lead to new knowledge.
Personal research skills
Inadequate use of a range of personal research which is largely critically evaluated for key conceptual issues although this may not be consistent throughout.
Weak use of a wide range of personal research which is critically evaluated for key conceptual issues and is largely consistent throughout.
Limited, clear evidence of considerable personal research and the use of a diverse range of appropriate sources but may contain problems with consistency in the conceptual evaluation.
Satisfactory and substantial research and evidence of an innovative use of a wide range of personal research with clear and consistent conceptual evaluation.
Good evidence of an innovative or original use of extensive personal research which has been thoroughly evaluated conceptually.
Excellent evidence of an innovative or original use of extensive personal research which has been thoroughly critically evaluated both conceptually and methodologically.
Outstanding evidence of an innovative and original use of extensive personal research which has been thoroughly critically evaluated, conceptually and methodologically with deep reflection.
Performance, Professional and Practice skills
Ability to adapt to external expectations
Inadequate identification of external expectations and simple adaptation of own performance accordingly.
Weak identification of external expectations and variable adaptation of own performance accordingly.
Limited identification of a range of external expectations and adaptation of own performance accordingly based on a reflective account.
Satisfactory identification of a wide range of external expectations and frequent adaptation of own performance accordingly based on a reflective account.
Good identification of a wide range of external expectations and established cyclical recognition, adaptation and reflection of own performance.
Excellent identification of a full range of external expectations and established cyclical recognition, adaptation and reflection of own performance.
Outstanding identification of a full range of external expectations and established cyclical recognition, adaptation and reflection of own performance.
Ability to understand own performance in the context of others
Inadequate analysis of performance of self and others and suggests some improvements.
Weak analysis of performance of self and others and suggests improvements through action planning and/or risk management.
Limited analysis of performance of self and others and suggests improvements and may evidence a coaching approach.
Satisfactory self-analysis of own and others performance. Plans and documents improvements and may evidence a mentoring approach.
Good self-analysis of own and others performance. Plans and documents performance reviews and improvements and will evidence a mentoring or coaching approach as required.
Excellent self-analysis of own and others performance. Fully reflective of own performance. Plans and documents performance reviews and improvements and will evidence a mentoring or coaching approach as required.
Outstanding self-analysis of own and others performance. Fully reflective of own performance. Extensively plans and documents performance reviews and improvements and will evidence multiple mentoring or coaching approaches as required.
Criterion 0-29% 30-39% Fail 40-49% Low Fail 50-59% Pass 60-69% Merit 70-79% 80-100% Distinction
Ability to undertake complex and non-routine tasks
Inadequate undertaking of complex and non-routine performance tasks with some awareness of planning.
Weak and growing evidence of undertaking complex and non-routine performance tasks. Has an awareness of planning and management of tasks.
Limited and strong evidence of planning and undertaking complex and non-routine performance tasks.
Satisfactory and varied evidence of planning and undertaking complex and non-routine performance tasks.
Good planning, undertaking and analysis of complex and non-routine performance tasks at a high level.
Excellent undertaking of complex and non-routine performance tasks at a semi-professional level.
Outstanding undertaking of complex and non-routine performance tasks at a professional level.
Ability to work within a team
Interacts on an inadequate level within a team, giving and/or receiving information and ideas. May modify responses where appropriate.
Weak, consistent interaction within a team, giving and receiving information and ideas and modifies responses where appropriate.
Limited interaction within a team, giving and receiving information and ideas on a consistent basis and modifies responses where appropriate. Identifies position in a team.
Satisfactory interaction within a team, giving and receiving information and ideas on a consistent basis and modifies responses where appropriate. May take a leadership role within a team.
Good interaction on almost all levels within a team, giving and receiving information and ideas on a consistent basis and modifies responses where appropriate. Has an established leadership role within a team.
Excellent interaction on all levels within a team, giving and receiving information and ideas on a consistent basis and modifies responses where appropriate. Has an established leadership role within a team or may be the leader of several teams.
Interacts in an outstanding and professional capacity within a team, giving and receiving information and ideas on a consistent and considered basis and modifies responses where appropriate. Has an established leadership role within a team or may be the leader of several teams.
Awareness of personal responsibilities and ability to work within professional codes of conduct
Inadequate awareness of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct.
Weak and growing consistent awareness of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct.
Limited awareness of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct. Begins to critically analyse professional practice.
Satisfactory awareness and demonstration of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct. Thorough critical analysis of professional practice and codes.
Good awareness and demonstration of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct. Meaningful critical analysis of professional practice and codes.
Excellent awareness and demonstration of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct. Deep and meaningful critical analysis of professional practice and codes.
Outstanding awareness, sensitivity and demonstration of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct. Deep and meaningful critical analysis of professional practice and codes.
Personal and enabling skills
Assessment of own capabilities
Inadequate assessment of own capabilities using simple justification criteria set by self-and/or others with some evidence of taking the wider needs of the context into account.
Weak assessment of own capabilities using justification criteria set by self-and others, taking the wider needs of the context into account.
Limited assessment of own capabilities using a range of justification criteria set by self-and others, taking the wider needs of the context into account.
Satisfactory assessment of own capabilities using a diverse range of justification criteria set by self-and others, taking the wider needs of the context into account.
Good assessment of own and others capabilities using a diverse range of justification criteria set by self-and others, taking the wider needs of the context into account.
Excellent assessment of all stakeholder’s capabilities using a diverse and critiqued range of justification criteria set by self-and others, taking the wider needs of the context into account.
Outstanding assessment of all stakeholder’s capabilities using a diverse and critiqued range of justification criteria set by self-and others, taking the wider needs of the context into account.
Use of feedback
Inadequate use of feedback to adapt own actions to reach a desired aim.
Weak use of feedback to adapt own actions to reach a desired aim and some review of impact.
Limited and regular use of feedback to adapt own actions to reach a desired aim and periodic review of impact.
Satisfactory and consistent use of feedback to adapt own actions to reach a desired aim and regular review of impact and risk.
Good and consistent use of feedback to adapt own actions to reach a desired aim and reviews impact and risk. Takes some calculated risk.
Excellent and consistent use of feedback and feed-forwards to adapt own actions to reach a desired aim and reviews impact and risk. Takes calculated risk.
Outstanding and consistent use of feedback and feed-forwards to adapt own actions to reach a desired aim and reviews impact and risk. Has a strategic view of project(s) and manages calculated risk.
Criterion 0-29% 30-39% Fail 40-49% Low Fail 50-59% Pass 60-69% Merit 70-79% 80-100% Distinction
Development of interpersonal and communication skills
Inadequate, simple adaptation of interpersonal and communication skills to a situation and/or audience.
Weak ability to adapt interpersonal and communication skills to a range of situations and audiences and with some degree of complexity.
Limited interpersonal and communication skills adapted to a wide range of situations and audiences and with emerging degrees of complexity.
Satisfactory interpersonal and communication skills evidenced at a high level and adapted to a wide range of situations and audiences and with high degrees of complexity.
Good interpersonal and communication skills evidenced at a semi-professional level and adapted to suit all situations and audiences and with high degrees of complexity.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills evidenced at a near-professional level and adapted to suit all situations and audiences and with near-professional degrees of complexity.
Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills evidenced at a professional level and adapted to suit all situations and audiences and with professional degrees of complexity.