Faculty of Business & Management
Assessment Brief 2021/22
A: Assessment Details | |
Module Title | Leadership in Action |
Module Code | BU7401 |
Module Leader | Andy Lewis |
Component Number | 1 |
Assessment Type, Word Count & Weighting | Individual written assignment 4000 words 100% of module grade |
Submission Deadline | 04/May/2022 |
Submission Instructions | Online submission using Turn It In |
Feedback Return Date | 4 weeks after submission |
B: Learning Outcomes |
C: Assessment Task |
Task Using an experience of leadership where you were either the leader, being led or observed within a workplace or informal environment, you are asked to evaluate your experience and critically analyse it in respect of your newly acquired knowledge as part of this module. What worked well, what did not and what could you or someone have done better? Your reflection should include and draw upon critical insights, relating to how you learn from reflection and incorporate the use of reflective models to support your analysis. Evaluating the experience, critical reflection should include an assessment of your learning from the experience, to form the basis of a learning plan where you critically reflect on areas for your personal development which you need to improve on and why to become a more effective leader The learning plan must be set out with clearly defined objectives, aims and measurement over a specific time period so that you can effectively measure your achievement of these learning objectives over a 12-month period. Specific consideration should be given to specific themes covering motivation, teams, work design and cultural elements. The personal learning plan will further build on and develop the personal learning you have identified from your chosen learning experience, in relation to your development as a manager and/or leader and the effective management of others. Please utilise the SMART framework to design your plan. |
D: Specific Criteria/Guidance |
There is no one correct way to approach this assessment. However, please take account of the following guidance.
Your paper should refer to and be informed by relevant academic theory, models and literature throughout. EXTENSIONS : – If you need to apply for an EXTENSION to the deadline for submission of this work, please complete the EXTENSION REQUEST FORM (EX1) here: https://portal.chester.ac.uk/registryservices/Pages/forms.aspx and submit to the School Office (ugbam@chester.ac.uk) This will be reviewed by the Head of the Department. Individual module tutors do not decide or allocate extension deadlines. You will be informed of the outcome of that decision by email from the School Office. |
E: Key Resources Including (a minimum of 10) recommended texts and peer-reviewed electronic sources which you expect students to use. |
Videos 30 best Ted Talk On Line Lectures : 30 Of The Best TED Talks On Leadership (inspiringleadershipnow.com) Books/Book Chapters Blanchard, K. H., & Broadwell, R. (2018). Servant leadership in action: How you can achieve great relationships and results. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Buchanan, D. A., & Huczynski, A. (2019). Organizational behaviour (10th ed.). Pearson. Chin, J. L., Trimble, J. E., & Garcia, J. E. (2017). Global and culturally diverse leaders and leadership: New dimensions and challenges for business, education and society. Emerald Publishing. Cordell, A. (2019). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle. (2nd ed., pp. 96-98). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351239547-33 Human, A. E., & Pitsoe, V. (2019). Effective strategies for workplace learning. In V. H. Kenon, & S. V. Palsole (Eds.), (pp. 27-44). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119227793.ch2 Meyer, R., & Meijers, R. (2017;2018;). Leadership agility: Developing your repertoire of leadership styles (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315159980 Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. Pratchett, T., Young, G., Brooks, C., Jeskins, L., & Monagle, H. (2016). Honey and mumford – learning styles. (pp. 8-11)https://doi.org/10.29085/9781783301812.005 Raelin, J. A. (2016). In Raelin J. A. (Ed.), Leadership as practice: Theory and application (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315684123 Sowcik, M., & Amaladas, S. (2015). Leadership 2050: Critical challenges, key contexts, and emerging trends (First ed.). Emerald. Watson, G., Reissner, S., & Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. (2014). Developing skills for business leadership (Second ed.). Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Journal Articles Meuser, J. D., Gardner, W. L., Dinh, J. E., Hu, J., Liden, R. C., & Lord, R. G. (2016). A network analysis of leadership theory: The infancy of integration. Journal of Management, 42(5), 1374-1403. https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206316647099 Offermann, L. R., & Coats, M. R. (2018). Implicit theories of leadership: Stability and change over two decades. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(4), 513-522. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2017.12.003 Jennings, S. F. (2007). Personal development plans and self-directed learning for healthcare professionals: Are they evidence based? Postgraduate Medical Journal, 83(982), 518-524. https://doi.org/10.1136/pgmj.2006.053066 Lejeune, C., Beausaert, S., & Raemdonck, I. (2021). The impact on employees’ job performance of exercising self-directed learning within personal development plan practice. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(5), 1086-1112. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2018.1510848
F: Submission Guidance |
Student work that does not have this information on will not be identifiable after marking has taken place and risks being recorded as a non-submission. |
G: Academic Integrity and Penalties |
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with all of the information contained in this brief as failure to do this may impact on your achievement. Please refer to the various Assessment Guidance below for detailed information on: |
H: Rubrics and Criteria |
Please see following rubric. |